Among the most important Italian wineries analyzed wine by wine by Luca Maroni we are also here! The reader will find in this book a valuable information tool, as well as a rich description of the sensations emanating from the analysis. In the opening the tasting method adopted: THE QUALITY OF WINE IS THE LIKE
Great news for our consumers!!! Asia Wine Trophy 2019 ended a few days ago. A total of 130 expert jurors tasted 4,386 wines from 34 different countries. OUR RED BLACK WINE OF TROY The Chamber of Commerce of Asti announces every year the National Wine Competition “Douja d’Or Award” which, in addition to the 2017
The judging committees composed of oenologist technicians, tasters ONAV, AIS and ANSPI have completed the selective tasting of the wines participating in the 47th National Wine Competition “Douja d’Or Prize 2019 and have considered our Igp PUGLIA FALANGHINA suitable for the Prize! La Camera di commercio di Asti bandisce ogni anno il Concorso Enologico Nazionale “Premio Douja d’Or“ che,